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All pedigree animals must be white throughout.



Medium length, masculine in rams, head with no trace of horn and face showing character, strength and constitution.



Medium length, dull white in colour with variable amounts of wool on the face, dark skin around the nose, nostrils not contracted. White hair on dark skin around eye; eye bright and clear of wool.



Medium size, carried slightly back (not heavy or hanging down), dark colour - either brown shade with white hair (sometimes spotted with black) or covered with short white wool.



Strong, broad and set on so as to give the head a bridled appearance.



Smoothly and well set, no depression behind.



Broad and fairly deep.



Straight, level from the base of the neck to setting of tail, which should be broad.



Well sprung, body well down forming good bottom line.


Legs of Mutton.

Full, well let down. Good length of hind quarter from hip to dock.


Legs and Feet.

Dull white colour, single black spot not objected to as it is invariably a birthmark and not hereditary. Legs below knee and hock straight. Compact feet firmly set.



Healthy pink colour except where otherwise stated.



Even and firm handling all over.



Smart appearance when walking or standing. Head held high.



To be good in quality, stronger in rams than in ewes, deep in staple, thickly set on skin, handling firmly, close level appearance, every part including belly and purse well covered, except where otherwise stated. Free from coarseness, kemp, black, grey or rusty fibres.


Style and Character.

The skin around the eye and nose should be black. Ears of medium length, carried slightly back, not heavy and hanging down. Dark shade being the most desirable either of a brown shade without hair or with white hair, spotted with black, but not grey. Sometimes covered with short wool which must, of course be white, but an ear free from wool is preferable. White or pink ears or a white nose show anything but ryeland character and should be avoided.

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